Employment Screening

Critical Research provides end-to-end background screening solutions, wherever you do business. With over 10 years of experience, our FCRA-certified team helps companies expeditiously move new hires from interview to orientation and beyond.


To explore the best screening options, visit our website at criticalresearch.com

Andrea Griffin

Andrea Griffin

Executive Vice President, CR

Solidifying our employment screening practice area as an industry leader and outperforming client expectations are my driving forces.

Rebecca Williamson


Jaime Stone

Jaime Stone

Operations Manager, CR
Allison Post

Allison Post

Account Executive, CR
Angie Taylor

Angie Taylor

Account Support Manager, CR

Charlene Albanese

Account Support Specialist, CR


Sarah Chism

Sarah Chism

Account Support Specialist, CR

Sharla Slaven


Jon Boykin

Vice President, Marketing & Analytics